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Título Enterprise Service Bus. - 15a edLibros / Impreso - Libros
Autor(es) Chappell, David A (Autor)
Publicación Cambridge : Orcilly, 2004
Descripción Física 297p:iL
Idioma Inglés;
Invalid ISN 139780596006754
Clasificación(es) 004.22
Materia(s) Arquitectura de computadores; XML (LENGUAJE DE PROGRAMACIÓN);
Nota(s) C.1. Introduction to the enterprise service bus p.19-- C.2. The stateof integration p.37-- C.3. Necessity is the mother of invention p.56-- C.4. XML: The foundation for business data integration p. 70-- C.5. Message oriented middleware (MOM) p.98-- C.6. Service containers and Abstract Endpoints p.118-- C.7. ESB service invocations, Routing, and SOA p.138-- C.8. Protocols, Messaging, custom adapters, and services p. 160-- C.9. Batch transfer latency p. 173-- C.10. Java components in an ESB p.189-- C.11. ESB Integration patterns and recurring design solutions p. 217-- C.12. ESB and the evolution of web services p.232--
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