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Detalles del Título

< Ant.
Sig. >
Título Flight performance of aircraftLibros / Impreso - Libros
Autor(es) Ojha, Shiva Kumar (Autor)
Publicación Ohio : American Institute of Aerodynamics and Astronautics, 1995
Descripción Física 516p
Idioma Inglés;
ISBN 1563471132
Clasificación(es) 629.13252
Materia(s) Aviones-mantenimiento y reparación;
Nota(s) Aircraft, basic, forces, and performance The atmosphere and flying weather Aerodynamic forces on aircraft Propulsive thrust by jet engines Propulsive power by piston prop engines Altitudes, airspeeds, and wind speeds Gliding and unpowered flights Cruising flights of turbojet aircraft Optimization of cruising flights of turbojet aircraft Climbing flights of turbojet aircraft Turning flights of turbojet aircraft Cruising flights of piston prop aircraft Optimization of cruising flights of piston prop aircraft Climbing flights of piston prop aircraft Coordinated turning flights of piston prop aircraft Takeoff and landing performance Aerobatic maneuvers and flight boundaries Performance evaluation by flight test Weather hazards and flying Weather observations, reports, and forecasts to flying Basic convertions factors Useful data for solving numerical pro .
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