Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto HEADLINE NEWS American, BA move closer to paetnership / Carole A Shifrin ans Pierre Sparaco. p.24 U.K. reshaoes strategy for force projection / John D Morrocco. p.26 Deficit hawks rule over defense hawks / Paul Mann. p.28 Ministers push consolidation / John D Morrocco. p.31 Revised NH-90 bid targets procurement cost / Michael A Taverna. p.32 JPATS team expands T6-A Texan 2 test / Edward H Phillips. p.33 Three more HS 601 flaws detected / Michael A Dornheim .p.33 Congress nears decision on China satellites laws / Joseph C Anselmo. p.34 Budget pressure takes toll on Hope program / Eiichiro Sekigawa. p.55 Japan's Nozomi heads for Mars. p.55 AIR TRANSPORT Europeans, Chinese terminate AE31X / Pierre Sparaco. p.56 Continental to lead Boeing deliveries for second year / Paul Proctor. p.57 Directive targets CFM56 engines / Edward H Philips. p.58 Boeing ponders 73 boots. p.58 From cargo to computers: Airport openings are roungh / Geoffrey Thomas and Bruce Dorminey. p.61 Sextant and Collins battle for electronics business. p.63 TIE forms commuter links with unaffiliated airlines / Carole AShifrin. p.64 21 ST CENTURY SECURITY Government / industry alliance urged asainst cuber threats / Paul Mann. p.65 Officiakls grapple with 'underterrable' terrorism / Paul Mann. p.67 Ranking civilianz lack nuclear crisis training / Paul Mann. p.70 NASA'S AXAF OBSERVATORY AXAF poised to probe universe-shaping events / Bruce A Smith. p.72 Key AXAF components undergo development / Bruce A Smith. p.76 SPACE TECHNOLOGY Promise and perul mark Russian launch surge / Craig Covault. p.78 Ames team works on gel. p.79 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING ERAST drones march ahead / Michael A Dornheim. p.80