Get the truth out of truth commissions: Lessons learned from five case studies / Johannes Langer, editor ; Miguel Barreto Enriques, Pedro Valenzuela.Libros / Impreso - Libros
Introduction / Johannes Langer -- Truth commissiones : wthat do we know? / Johannes Langer -- The legacy of Guatemala´s commission for historical clarification / Pedro Valenzuela -- Perú; A glas half empty or half full of truth and reconciliation? / Miguel Barreto Henriques -- Timor-leste: the power and limitations of traditional reconciliation / Johannes Langer -- Sierra Leone: the troubles of the comission with the tribunal /Johannes Langer -- Kenya: ambitious aims but shelved report / Johannes Langer -- Lessons learned from the five case studies /Johannes Langer -- Lessons learned for Colombia / Johannes Langer -- Conclusions /Johannes Langer. Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índices