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Detalles del Título

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Título From Ricoeur to action: the socio- political significance of ricoeur' s thinkingLibros / Impreso - Libros
Autor(es) Mei, Todd S. (Editor)
Lewin , David (Editor)
Publicación New York : Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012
Descripción Física 265p.
Idioma Inglés;
Series Continnum Studies in Continental Philosophy
ISBN 9781441159731
Clasificación(es) 300.92
Materia(s) Conflictos sociales - historia- siglo XXI; Filosofía de las Ciencias Sociales; Filosofía de las ciencias políticas; Ricoeur, Paul, 1913-2005 - pensamiento político y social;
Nota(s) Chapter 1. Introduction.-- p.1. Part 1: Capability I. Chapter 2. From Ricoeur to Life: Living Up to Death' with Spinoza , but also with Deleuze. p.19.-- Chapter 3. From metaphor to the Life- World: Ricoeur's metaphoric subjectivity. p.33.-- Chapter 4: Ricoeur and the capability of modern technology. p.54.-- Part 2: Capability II. -- Chapter 5: The course of racial recognition: a Ricoeurian approach to critical race theory. p.75.-- Chapter 6: The long road to recognition: Paul Ricoeur and bell hooks on the development of self- esteem . p.96.-- Part 3: Utopia.-- Chapter 7: To think Utopia with and beyond Paul Ricoeur. p.113.-- Chapter 8: Ricoeur versus Ricoeur ' Between the universal and the contextual. p.136.-- Chapter 9: Turn around and step forward: Environmentalism, activism and the social imaginary. Chapter 10: States of peace: Ricoeur on recognition and the gilft. p.175.-- Chapter 11: Ricoeur's atemwende. A reading of ' interlude: tragic action 'in oneself as another. p.195.-- Part 4: The theological. Chapter 12: The unsurpassable dissensus : The ethics of forgiveness in Paul Ricoeur' s work. p.211.-- Chapter 13: Examining canonical representations: The ' exceptionalism ' of Ricoeur' s hermeneutics and the bid for an ethical canon. p.229
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