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Detalles del Artículo

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Título Artículo Gist-Based Conceptual processing of PicturesRemains Intact in Patients With Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment.Artículo de Revista
Parte de Neuropsychology
Vol. 26 n. 2 (Mar. 2012)
Pagina(s) 202-208
Idioma Inglés;
Nota(s) Auroes. Rebecca G. Deason; Erin P. Hussey; Andrew E. Budson; Brandon A. Ally.
Resumen Objective. The picture superiotory effect, better memory for pictures compared to works, has been found in young adults, healtly older adults, and, most recently, in patients with Alzaheimer'sdisease and mild cognitive impairment. Althought the picture superiority effect is widely found, there is still debate over what drives this effect. One main question is wheter it is enchanced perceprual or cocneptual information thay leads to the advantage for pictures over words, In this experiemnt, we examined the picture superitory effect healtly elder adults and patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to better understand the role of gist-based conceptual processing. method. We had participants study three exemplars of categories as either words or picture in the test phase, participantswere again shown pictures or words and were asked to determine ehether the item was in the same category as something they had studied earlier or whether it was from a new category.