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Título Artículo Towards a translational model of panic attack Artículo de Revista
Parte de Psychology & Neuroscience
psychology & neuroscience
Pagina(s) 09-37
Autor(es) Schenberg, Luiz Carlos (Autor)
Idioma Inglés;
Nota(s) Autores: Luiz Carlos Shenberg.
Resumen About 20 years ago. Deakin and Graeff proposed that whereas generalized anxiety disorder is produced by the overactivity of 5-HT excitatory projections from dorsal raphe nucleus to the areas of prefrontal cortex and amygdala which process distal threat, panic attacks are dyfunction of 5-HT inhibitory projections from dorsal raphe nucleus to the dorsal periqueductual gray matter, thereby releasing the responses to proximal threat, innate fear or anorexia. Besides, they suggested that the decrease in 5-HT1A neurotransmission in the hippocampus results in learned helpssness and depression.