Detalles de la Emisión
Detalles de la Emisión

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Sig. >
Título Vol. 12 No.1 (2010): High - Performance Computing EducationEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Computing in Science & Engineering.IEEE
Artículos Computational Epidemiology: Modeling the Human Equation

Observatoire Landay: Discoveries Arising from Computing

Geographic Information Systems

Rapid Assessment of Secondary Disasters Induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake

Using GIS and Fuzzy Sets to Evaluate the Olive Tree's Ecological Suitability in Sichuan Province

A 3D Geosciences Modeling System for Large-Scale Water-Diversion Projects

Using GIS to Quantify Mountains in China

MCALab: Reproducible Research in Signal and Image Decomposition and Inpainting

A Zero-Temperature Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithm and Quantum Spin Glasses

Application Acceleration with the Cell Broadband Engine

An Update from Visweek 2009

Computer-Guided Solutions to Physics Problems Using Prolog

Publicación New York : IEEE Computing Society, 2008
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) COMPUTADORES - EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR; Educación Tecnológica; Esneñanza con ayuda de computadores; APLICACIÓN DE SISTEMAS EN CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN; Educación; Simulación por Computadores; ENSEÑANZA DE LA QUIMICA CON AYUDA DE COMPUTADORES; COMUNIDAD DE CYBERNAUTAS; Multidisciplinariedad; JAVE MEDIA FRAMEWORK; Biblioteca digital; LENGUAJE DE LA PROGRAMACIÓN; LENGUAJES ENSAMBLADORES; Arquitectura de computadores;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
HIGH - PERFORMANCE COMPUTING EDUCATION Guste Editor's Introduction / Scott Lathrop and Thomas Murphy. p.9 A Shared Interinstitutional Undergraduate Minor Program in Computational Science / Steven I Gordon; Katey Carey and Ignatios Vakalis. p.12 Advanceing Educaction and Research in Nanotechnology / Gerhard Klimeck; Michael McLennan; Sean B. Borphy; George B Adams III and Mark S Lundstrom. p.17 Applying Computationsl Science to Education: The Molecular Workbench Paradigm / Robert F Tinker and Quian Xie. p.24 Trasnforming Scientists trought Technical Education: A View from the Trenches / Deana D. Penningtong; William K Michener; Samantha Kats; Laura D. Donwey and Mark Schildhauer. p.28 Transforming Chemistry Education trough Computarional Science / Shaw C. Sendilger; Don J DeCoste; Thom H Dunning; Diana Avalos Dummitt; Eric Jakobsson; Dave R Mattson and Edee Norman Wiziecki. p.34 Education: Outreach, and Trainning for High - Performance Computing / David Joiner; Charles Peck; Thomas Murphy and Paul Gray. p.40 ALSO IN THE ISSUE Community - Cyberinfrastructure - Enabled Discovery in Science and Engieneering / Ahmed Elmagarmid; Arjmand Samuel and Mourad Ouzzani. p.46 Soving Complex Computational Problems Usingf Multiagents Implemented in Hardware / Hamid Reza Naji. p.54 High - Dimensionality Data Recution with Jave / Elena Villalón. p.64 COLUMNS The First Word. p.3 The Last Word. p.80 DEPARTAMENTS Books. p.5 Scientific Programming. p.70 Education. p.74
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0000068783Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito CScE. Vol. 12 No.1 (Ene.- Feb.-2010) DisponibleHemerotecaSolicitar