Detalles de la Emisión
Detalles de la Emisión

< Ant.
Sig. >
Título Vol. 146, n. 7 (Feb. 1997): Agenda for CongressEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1997
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aeronáutica-Estados Unidos; Navegación aérea; Seguridad Aérea; Transporte aéreo; Aviónica; Electrónica en aviación;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
HEADLINE NEWS U. S. coming to grips whit R&D crisis / Willian B. Scott. p.22 Global Hawk UAV rollout this week / Bruce A Smith. p.23 Reducer - signature nozzle tested by GE / Stanley W. Kandebo. p.24 Shuttle returns to Hubble; Russians launch to Mir / Craig Covault. p.53 Congress skeptical of Russian station pledge / Joshep C Anselmo. p.54 M - 5 launches unique radio observatory / Eiichiro Sekinawa and Michael Mecham. p.56 Melco wins ETS - 8 award. p.56 GAMA reports record billings / Paul Proctor. p.57 Civil tilt rotor program spools up. p.57 AIR TRANSPORT First long - range 777 starts service with BA / Carole A Shifrin. p.58 Derivates of 777 and 767 take shape at Boeing / Carole A. Shifrin. p.60 First fligth of updated 737 rejuvenates narrow - body line. p.62 Ayling counters BA - AA critisd, cites market growth potential / Jonh D, Morrocco. p.63 More executive changes at Boeing. p.63 AIR to freeze twinjet desing soon / Pierre Sparaco. p.64 AIR SAFETY Gore panel endorses user fees / Edwaurd H Phillips. p.65 Methost to protect fuel tanks explored. p.65 NTSB probes ANG - airline incidents / Edward H Phillips. p.68 DC - 9 pilots faulted in gear landing. p.68 AGENDA FOR CONGRESS pursues balanced budget. p.27 Military budget a mix of cuts and steandiness. p.28 NASA budget request keeps ststion on track. p.44 Congress weihs airline taxez. p.48 AVIONICS Mitre conducts ATM test. p.69 Raytheon wins ITWS contrat. p.69
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0034003301Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 7 - I (1997) Ej.1DisponibleHemerotecaSolicitar