Lista de Resultados - Títulos con Materia : Accidentes cerebrovasculares
Lista de Resultados - Títulos con Materia : Accidentes cerebrovasculares

Hay 2 Resultados.

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1.  Reliability and validity of the Virtual Reality Lateralized Attention Test in assessing hemispatial neglect in right-hemisphere stroke.
Buxbaum, Laurel J.; Dawson, Amanda M.; Linsley, Drew
En: Neuropsychology, Vol. 26 n. 4 (Jul. 2012), 430-441
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2.  Separating forms of neglect using the Apples Test: Validation and functional prediction in chronic and acute stroke.
Bickerton, Wai Ling; Samson, Dana
En: Neuropsychology, Vol. 25, n. 5 (Sep. 2011), 554-566
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