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Título Vol. 148, n. 9 (Mar.-1998): Fairchild Dornier Strating Small in Regional JetsEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1998
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aeronáutica - Noticas breves; INDUSTRIA AERONAUTICA - CHINA; Aviones; Helicópteros; FUERZA AEREA ESPACIAL - CABO CAÑABERAL; CRIOGENIA - COMBUSTIBLE - AERONAUTICA; Satélites artificiales; Aeronaves; SEGURIDAD AERONAÚTICA; Transporte aéreo; Líneas aéreas; RUTAS AEREAS; Control del tráfico aéreo-Europa; Aviones -- Modelos; NASA / BOEING X - 36; Tecnología Espacial; Imagenes satelitales; Astronáutica;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: HEADLINE NEWS Industry watches reform of Chinese aerospace / Michael Mecham. p.34 Boieng 777 - 200X launch imminent/ Geoffrey Thomas. p.25 Boieng 717 - 200 effort possible AE31X threat / Geoffrey Thomas. p.26 Embraer scores jet orders. p.27 Boeing says innovation key to MD-17 launch. p.27 Bell to buy Boeing commercial helicopters / David Hughes. p.28 Cape shortcoming threathen existing commerical launc ops / Craig Covault. p.30 Second attitude control system palnned for Ariane flight 503 / Michael A Taverna. p.32 Japanese H- 2 failure ruins stacom research mission / Craig Covault. p.34 First production V-22 milestone / Stanley W Kandebo. p.35 A-12 cancellation costs could top $4 billion / Robert Wall. p.36 NASA cancels Clark satellite. p.36 F-22 faces more delay; operational testing on track / Stanley W Kandebo. p.42 AIR TRANSPORT Open Skies pact boon to U.S., Canada / Carole A Shifrin. p.43 British Midland in transatlantic bid / John D Morrocco. p.44 Boieng set to increase 737 / Bruce A Smith. p.47 AAIB targets 737 leaks. p.47 New aircraft eyed by BA / John D Morrocco. p.48 Nee chief for Reno Air.p.48 American, JAL in code-share. p.48 SkyWest balances turboprop - turbofan fleet / Paul Proctor. p.49 Asian downturn exécted to hit Quantas Asett, Air NZ / Geoffrey Thomas. p.51 India pledges airport support. p.52 FAA told to emphasize human factors in ATC / Bruce D Nordwall. p.54 Southwest report 737 - 700s demostrating high reliability / Edward H Phillips. p.55 FAIRCHILD DORNIER REGIONAL JET Fairchild Dornier seeks big role for small 328JET / Peirre Sparaco. p.56 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING X-36 testing gives Boeing jump on UCAV work / William B Soctt. p.58 Allison test JSF lift - fan componen. p.59 Scots, Swis develop fire control system. p.60 Boeing completes key ABL wind tunnel test / Paul Proctor. p.61 SPACE TECHNOLOGY France expands ballon program / Michael A Taverna. p.62 Recent imagery may show meteorite strike. p.64 AEROSPACE BUSINESS Downed press points up supply chain's delicate balance / Anthony L Velocci. p.65 AVIONICS Free Flight enhanced. p.66
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0034003414Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 9 - I (1998) Ej.1DisponibleHemerotecaSolicitar
0034003451Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 9 - I (1998) Ej.2DisponibleHemerotecaSolicitar