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Título Vol. 145, n. 14 (Sep.-1996): Electronic Warfare: Towed decoys take off. Flying the beech MK. 2Emisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1996
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Satélites artificiales en telecomunicaciones; MISÍLES; Líneas aéreas; ASTRONAUTAS; ESTACIONES SATELITALES; Astronáutica; Aviones; ARMAS NUCLEARES; Radar de vigilancia; Transporte aéreo; ELECTRÓNICA APLICADA A LA AVIACIÓN; Aeronaves; ELECTRONICA APLICADA A LA AVIACIÓN MILITAR; Información tecnológica;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: HEADLINE NEWS Atlantis flight cap mission toMir / Craig Covault. p.24 Lucid describes 'fantastic'voyage / Craig Covault. p.26 NASA probes to seek sings of life of Mars / Joseph C Anselmo. p.27 Military modernization wins budget boots / Davis A Fulghum. p.28 U.S. . F - 2 workshare estimated at $5 billion / Michael Mecham and William B Scott. p.30 Japan to make firts OH-X buys / Paul Mann. p.31 Landmark nuclear pact hostage to india. p.31 Satellite radars to guide missiles / David A Fulghum. p.33 U.S. set to launch upgraded Lacrosse. p.33 Aerospatiale to focus on three business centers / Pierre Sparaco. p.35 Civil tiltrotor launch decision expected by year-end / Carole A Shifrin. p.37 Two U.S. mergers resahping satellite services sector / Bruce A Smith. p.102 French seek U.S. business. p.103 AIR TRANSPORT Business leaders want Kai Tak reclaimed for commuters / Michael Mecham. p.38 A new Pan Am begins flyung and prepares for growth. p.41 Delta tops travel contract awards / Carole A Shifrin. p.42 BEECH MK.2 PILOT REPORT Beech MK.2 fulfilling primary trainer role / Davis M. North. p.43 ELECTRONIC WARFARE Aircraft defence shifts to towed decoys, IR beams / Phillip J Klass. p.46 IDECM's 'smart'towed decoy likely to be used widely / Philip J Klass. p.48 Firts DIRCM nears production / Phillip J Klass. p.50 Common- MWS faces AAR-54 competition / Phillip J Klass. p. 71 USAF expands SEAD efforts; new mini-decoy will hwlp / Phillip J Klass. p.72 Strinkestar 2025 to combine F-117 stealth, UAV range. p.74 Simulation reveals optimum jamming techniques. p.76 Simulator replicates IR/EO combat scenes. p.77 New RWRs, ESMs locate radars more precisely / Phillip J Klass. p.79 F/A-18 C2W system considered for F-15 / Phillip J klass. p.84 ES-3A Shadow prepares to land mission. p.84 EA-6B prepares fo joint missions / Bruce D Nordwall. p.85 The ASPJ lesson. Congress doent's añways know best / Phillip J Klass. p.87 AFSOC seeks better EW to carry out covert mission / Phillip J Klass. p,88 Fligth line tester to assure pilots EW systems are up / Bruce D Nordwall. p.89 Joint-service EA-6B program underway / Paul Proctor. p.90 French firms developing new self-protection systems / Pierre Sparaco. p.93 Dassault pursures ligthweigth EW systems / Bruce D Nordwall. p.94 Navy squadron builds com jammer trainer / Bruce D Nordwall. p.95 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Hughes taps Metrica software for comercial stacom project / James T McKenna. p.100 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT NEWS Infrared deicing technique called ready for operation use / Michael O Lavitt. p.104
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0034003324Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 14 - II (1996) Ej.1DisponibleHemerotecaSolicitar