Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Lafleche
Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Lafleche

Hay 2 Resultados.

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1.  Alterations in autobiographical memory for a blast event in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans with mild traumatic brain injury.
Palombo, Daniela J.; Kapson, Heather S.; Lafleche, Ginette; Vasterling, Jennifer J.; Marx, Brian ; Franz, Molly; Verfaellie, Mieke
En: Neuropsychology, Vol. 29 No. 4 (Jul. 2015), 543 - 549
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2.  Neuropsychological outcomes in OEF/OIF veterans with self-report of blast exposure: Associations with mental health, but not MTBI.
Lafleche, Ginette; Spiro III, Avron; Bousquet, Kathryn
En: Neuropsychology, Vol. 28 n. 3 (May. 2014), 337-346
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