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Título Artículo Il santuario di Sant’Antonio di Padova a Gemona del Friuli. La Madonna del Rosario: notizie di culto e arte alla fine del SeicentoArtículo de Revista
Parte de Il Santo : Rivista francescana di storia dottrina arte.
Año 60, Fasc.3 (2020)

Pagina(s) 451-456
Autor(es) Aloisi, Stefano (Autor)
Idioma Español;
Resumen Among the major attestations of the Marian devotion expressed by the people of Gemona del Friuli, there is the erection of the chapel of the Madonna del Rosario, which took place in 1682, inside the ancient sanctuary of Saint Anthony of Padua.
Main responsible of the architectural and decorative enterprise, with a profusion of frescoes and stucco (which for the most part have been lost in the earth- quake of 1976), was the painter of Swiss origin Melchiorre Widmar, who had lived in the Friulian town for quite some time. The completion of the works, after various ups and downs, took place in 1687. On that occasion, in November, a sumptuous ceremony was held in Gemona, again by Widmar, in honor of the Madonna del Rosario.