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Detalles del Título

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Título Applied social Psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems. - 1a edLibros / Impreso - Libros
Autor(es) Schneider, Frank W (Autor)
Publicación London, England : Sagen Publications, 2005
Descripción Física 447p:iL
Idioma Inglés;
ISBN 1412915392
Clasificación(es) 302
Materia(s) Psicología social;
Nota(s) C.1. Defining the field of applied social psychology p.17-- C.2. Social psychological theory p.34-- C.3. Research methods in applied social psychology p.52-- C.4. Intervention and evaluation p.72-- C.5. Appluing social psychology in everyday life p.99-- C.6. Applying social psychology to clinical and counseling psychology p.126-- C.7. Applying social psychology to sports teams p.148-- C.8. Applying social psychology to the media p.177-- C.9. Applying social psychology to health p.202-- C.10. Applying social psychology to education p. 228-- C.11. Applying social psychology to organizations p.255-- C.12. Applying social psychology to the criminal justice system p.282-- C.13. Applying social psychology to the community p. 306-- C.14. Applying social psychology to the environment p.330-- C.15. Applying social psychology to diversity p.354-- C.16. You can change the world: action, participatory, and activist research p.373--
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