Detalles del Título
Detalles del Título

< Ant.
Sig. >
Título Great experiments in psychologyLibros / Impreso - Libros
Autor(es) Garrett, Henry E. (Autor)
Publicación London, England : Visión Press, 1959
Descripción Física 358 p
Idioma Inglés;
Clasificación(es) 150.72
Materia(s) Psicología experimental;
Nota(s) Pavlov and the conditioned reflex. p.1 Franz's and lashley's studies of the role of the brain in learning. p.20 Thorndike's laws of learning. p.40 Köhler's experiments in perception and learning and their importance for gesalt psychology. p.63 Ebbinghaus's studies in memory and forgetting. p.101 Watson's studies of the behavior of the human infant. p.127 Cannon and experimental studies of the emotions. p.148 Experimental approaches to personality study. p.171 McDougall and social psychology. p.199 Binet and individual intelligence test. p.219 The army tests: alpha, beta, and agct. p.244 Galton and the measurement of individual differences. p.264 Visual and auditory perception: the work of helmholtz and others. p.292 Cattell's studies of reaction time. p.312 Weber's and fechner's laws and the development of psychophysic. p.331
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0000003856Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito 150.72 / G239gIDisponibleGeneral