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Título Vol. 169, n. 21 (Dic., 2008): Driving Greece's Buildup. Special report, Simulation & Training.Emisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Mercadeo; Aeronáutica - Noticas breves; ELECTRÓNICA APLICADA A LA AVIACIÓN - POLÍTICAS; Aeronáutica-políticas-Estados Unidos; Aviones; FUERZA AÉREA - ACTUALIZACIÓN NUCLEAR - ESTADOS UNIDOS; Aeronáutica; Radar; Aviones de combate; TRANSBORDADOR ESPACIAL - TRIPULACIÓN; Vuelo espacial; INDUSTRIA ESPACIAL - POLÍTICAS; Transporte aéreo; Líneas aéreas; ENTRENAMIENTOS - SIMULADORES DE VUELO; Helicópteros; DEFENSA;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas al pie de texto
Resumen Con: 1. Market Focus 1.1 Frugal corporate actions expected to play well in the new economic environment.p.14. 2. News Breaks 2.1 Boeing resuming flight tests of 767/200SF after hiatus caused by now- settled machinists strike.p.22. 2.2 USAF seeking.p.23. 2.3 SES and EchoStar have plan to deploy a new spacecraft to meet hot DTH demand.p.24. 2.4 Eclipse Aviation hoping to secure a new owner in January after filing for bankruptcy protection.p.26. 3. World News & Analysis 3.1 Electronic attack version of Joint Stike Fighter awaits policy, budget and technology decisions. / David A. Fulghum.p.28. 3.2 Pentagon enthusiasm for JSF looks to be solidifying with Navy, Defense Dept. loosening funds. / Amy Butler and Graham Warwick.p.30. 3.3 Figh between congress and Pentagon senior civillians about F-22 production funding is not over. / David A. Fulghum and Bettina H. Charanne.p.31. 3.4 USAF's B-52 squadron expansion underpins its plans to rejuvenate nuclear capabillity. / Guy Norris.p.32. 3.5 Senior Airbus officials acknowledge there is a worry Britain could walk away from the A400M program. / Douglas Barrie and Robert Wall.p.33. 3.6 Austrlia feels effects of delays in Boeing Wedgetail and EADS KC-30 refueling tanker programs. / Rober Wall.p.34. 3.7 Sukhoi chief to lead effort to steady finances of rival MiG before it joins with United Aircraft division. / Alexey Komarov.p.36. 3.8 Russia's Phazotron using stealth mods to try to reduce overall radar cross-section of fighter aircraft. / Douglas Barrie and David Fulghum.p.36. 3.9 Space shuttle Endeavour crew leaves space station in better shape to double crew size. / Frank Morring JR.p.38. 3.10 Despite financial uncertainties, Europe will forge ahead with an expanded civil space program. / Michael A. Taverna.p.39. 3.11 Space industry execs call on Obama administration to establish a clear and robust national space policy. / Guy Norris.p.40. 4. Air Transport 4.1 Airbus close to pact with Harbin Aircraft to set up a joint composite components plant in China. / Bradley Perrett.p.42. 4.2 Sukhoi, Alenia Aeronautica reining in production plans for Superjet, to reduce risk during ramp - up. / Andi Nativi.p.43. 4.3 FAA administrator declares initial segment of ADS-B receivers in South Florida operational. / David Hughes.p.46. 4.4 Move to a-la-carte pricing among U.S. airlines will face critical tests this winter. / Andrew Compart.p.48 4.5 Regional aircraft sales expected to beging flattening after years of steady growth. / Michael Mecham.p.48. 5. Simulation & Training 5.1 New Rules, products expand options for customers who are moving to left seat in the simulation world. / Frances Fiorino.p.50. 5.2 Helicopter simulation advances address combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. / David Hughes.p.52. 5.3 Companies specializing in GA simulators focus on PC and COTS technologies for new devices. / Edward H. Phillips.p.55. 5.4 Global shortage of aviation maintainers plus new technologies lead to training opportunities. / Ann Tegtmeier.p.56. 6. Defense 6.1 Greece strives for greater openness in defense procurement while remaining wary of neighborhood. / Antony L. Velocci JR.p.58. 6.2 U.S. military services planning to field new systems to enhance ISR collection in Afghanistan. / Amy Butler.p.61. 6.3 Lockheed Martin JSF program honored for using innovative program management. / Michael Bruno.p.62. 7. Viewpoint 7.1 Goodrich chief urges Obama to put corporate taxation reform at the top of his agenda.p.66.
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003672Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av.W. / 21 - II (2008) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca