Detalles de la Emisión
Detalles de la Emisión

< Ant.
Sig. >
Título Vol. 150, N. 5 (Feb.-1999): F.-16 Automatic Ground Collision AvoidanceEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1999
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Líneas aéreas; Aterrizaje de aviones; JSF (JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER) Ó CAZA DE ATAQUE; Aeronaves; RESONANCIA; MISILES DE DEFENSA; Satélites artificiales; POLITICA AERONAUTICA; Transporte aéreo; Seguridad Aérea; Tecnología Espacial; ARMAS DE DESTRUCCIÓN; X-RAY (VISIÓN DETALLADA);
Nota(s) Bibliografía. al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP American Airlines to build $ 1- billion terminal at JFK. p.24 Eurofighter prepares for duel with Lockheed Martin. p.25 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER Boeing redesing its Joint Srike Fighte / David A Fulghum and Paul Proctor. p.28 Boeing contends funding for JSF is no problem / David A Fulghum. p.29 Boeing candidates to validate manufacturing plans / Paul Proctor.p.30 Lockheed Martin sets JSF desing turns to subsystem / Robert Wall and David A Fughum.p .33 Dutch move closer to JSF decision. p.34 HEADLINE NEWS U.K. launches future aircraft carrier studies / Johm D Morrocco. p.63 Reconnaissance, missile defense most crucial Israeli needs / David A Fulghum. p.64 'Info warriors' given new clout / William B Scott. p.64 Zenit prepared for sea trials / Bruce A Smith. p.66 Athena fires Taiwan's satellite into space / Craig Covault. p.67 DirecTV aims to finish satellite television shakeout / Joseph C Anselmo. p.68 AEROSPACE FORECASTS Aerospace growth prevails despite sharp slowdown / Paul Mann. p.69 New LATA forescast reflects Asian turmoil / Michael Mecham. p.70 Europeans forese gradual downto¿urn / Pierre Sparaco. p.70 AIR TRASNPORT Sextant, B/E alliance raises ante in IFE market / Anthony L Velocci and Michael A Taverna. p.72 Smalll profit aside, Boeing enters crucial operating phase / Anthony L Velocci. p.73 FAA, Boeing fast-track 757-300 certification. p.71 NTBS weighs call for recorder backups / James T McKenna. p.75 Delta drops bid to impose fee. p.75 ADVANCED FIGHTER SAFETY Automatic GCAS: 'You can't fly any lower' / William B Scott. p.76 Complex algorithms enable Auto-GCAS / William BScott. p.79 Helmet displays boost safety and lethality / Paul Proctor. p.81 'Smart' cockpit keeps pilots inside safety envelope / Paul Proctor. p.82 SPACE TECHNOLOGY Stardust ready for trek for comet particles / Bruce A Smith. p.84 DEFENSE BUDGETS JDA approves 51 - aircraft purshase. p.87
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003538Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W / 5 - I (1999) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca