Detalles de la Emisión
Detalles de la Emisión

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Título Vol. 177. n. 08 (Abr. 27- May. 10, 2015)Emisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación McGraw-Hill, Abril 27 - Mayo 10, 2015
Descripción Física 78 p. : ilustraciones; fotos; gráficas
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Publicaciones seriadas; Aeronáutica - Noticas breves; Aviación comercial; Aviación militar; MATERIALES AERONÁUTICOS; Investigación y Desarrollo; TECNOLOGÍA AERONÁUTICA;
Nota(s) Uncooperative military aircraft flying in international airspace pose unexpected threat to European air traffic, p. 26; Poland takes next step toward modernizing its armed forces, but its choices may have wider effects, p. 28; Airbus tells India`s PM it is prepared to boost to-production of civil and military equipment there, p. 29; USMC preparing for its only F-35B operational testing period before declaring IOC as early as July, p. 40; Commercial cargo vehicles designed to supply the ISS may add elbow room for the long haul to Mars, p. 30; Two mainstay U.S. launch companies struggling to keep their edge in a changing government market, p. 33; At-sea demo will focus on rapid launch-and-swarm formation with autonomous small UAS, p. 34; High-energy laser developers says its third-generation tactical weapon is ahead of fiber-laser systems, p. 35; Three members are leaving the Association of European Airlines in a dispute over air transport, p. 36; Transition to the A220neo was never going to be easy, but satisfying the Chinese market will make it worse, p. 37; USMC preparing for its only F-35B operational testing period before declaring IOC as early as July, p. 40; Rocket Lab preparing to begin testing smallsat launcher that would use battery-powered turbomachinery, p. 51; Spray-on-anti-ice coating could extend UAS missions, allow GA aircraft to complete flights more safely, p. 52; Suppliers join cost-sharing effort on a critical advanced-rotorcraft demonstration program, p. 54; Pratt & Whitney using ceramic matrix composites for rotating engine elements rather than static parts, p. 55; Test pilot program proves viability of adaptive controller for civil airliner safety application, p. 56.
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0000080561Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av.W./ 08 (2015)DisponibleHemeroteca