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Título Vol. 168, n. 16 (Apr.-2008): Building Networks From The Botton Up. Europe's Growing Role In Earth ObservationEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aeronáutica - Noticas breves; Líneas aéreas; TRAFICO AEREO - CONTROL; ESTACIONES ESPACIALES; Agencia espacial-Europa; PROGRAMAS DE EXCELENCIA EMPRESARIAL EMBARER; FINGER, STEPHEN - ENTREVISTA; Outsourcing; Aeropuertos; TRANSPORTE AEREO - COMPETENCIA; Helicópteros; Satélites artificiales; Tecnología Espacial; Sistemas de comunicación en aeronáutica; Simuladores de vuelo; MISILES - INDUSTRIA;
Nota(s) Bibliografía. al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
MARKET FOCUS Proposed Delta - Northwest. p.12 NEWS BREACK ICO G1 mobile. p.19 Diamond Aircraft. p.20 Congo airlineps DC-9. p.20 AVIATION WEEK . p.21 First Sky Warrior. p.22 Obituary for. p.22 WORLD NEWS & ANALYSIS Bid by Delta / Adrian Schofield. p.24 Regulatory and political / Jens Flottau. p.27 NASA plans COTS - only / Frank Morring JR. p.28 Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne / Guy Norris. p.30 Worldwide drive / Michael A Taverna and Frank Morring JR. p.31 Secure communications / David A Fulghum and Graham Warwick. p.32 Britihs Defense Ministy / Amy Butler and Douglas Barrie. p.34 MiG - 35 purchase / Douglas Barrie. p.35 Pilatus management / Robert Wall. p38 Rising competition / Robert Wall. p38 FACE TO FACE Financial and environmental / Joseph C Anselmo. p.40 AIR TRANSPORT Recounting logistics mess / Joseph C Anselmo. p.41 Nasty fight brewing / Robert Wall and Jens Flottau. p.42 Vietnamese airline / Brandely Perret. p.42 North Atlantic flights / David Hughes. p.44 Royal Air Maroc / Robert Wall. p.46 Russia's second - largest / Douglas Barrie and Alexey Komarov. p.46 ROTORCRAFT TECHNOLOGY Finmeccanica sees / Andy Nativi. p.48 AEDC, NASA / Edward H Phillips. p.48 TCAS II protection / Daivd Hughes.p .49 SPACE TECHNOLOGY Europe poised / Michael A Taverna. p.50 European Earth- / Michael A Taverns. p.51 NETWORK - CENTRIC WARFARE Within three years / David A Fulghum. p.52 NATO's E-3 AWACS / Guy Norris. p.55 USAF, U.K., France / Jori Jansen Lok. pñ60 New technologies / David A Fulghum and Guy Norris. p.62 AEROSPACE BUSINESS Pending bilateral / Douglas Barrie and Robert Wall. p.64 Italy expects / Andy Nativi. p.64 VIEWPOINT Recognizing error of. p.70
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0034003525Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 16 - I (2008) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca