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Título Vol. 149, n. 18 (Oct.-1998): 21st Century WargamingEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : MGraw - Hill Companies, 1998
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aeronáutica - Noticas breves; ASTRONAUTAS; Viajes interplanetarios; TITANIUM APLICADO A LA AERONAUTICA; Satélites artificiales; Vehículos espaciales; Helicópteros; MISILES - PROGRAMAS MILITARES; Aviónica; Transporte aéreo; Líneas aéreas; Seguridad Aérea; INTERFERENCIA ELECTROMAGNETICA - VUELOS; MISILES - LASER ESPACIALES; ENTRENAMIENTO - PERSONAL DE VUELO; Simuladores de vuelo;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP ANZ advances 737 orders. p.21 Sukhoi pushes Su-33. p.21 HEADLINE NEWS Discovery rockets Glenn back into Earth orbit / Craig Covault. p.24 X-33 flight slips half - years to December 1999 / Michael A Dornheim. p.26 Sace storms threaten commercial satellites / Joseph C Anselmo. p.28 Japan considers Hybrid satellite defense options / Eiichiro Sekigawa. p.29 DS1 outbound after post-launch scare. p.32 Ariane launches GE-5 digital radio satellite. p.33 NATO begins air verification regime over Kosovo. p.33 EH - 101s begin flight trials in North Sea environment. p.36 Europe set to advance major military programs / Michale A Taverna. p.45 Be-200 Stirs interest in Asia / Nikolay Novichkov. p.46 Industry watches as Korea consolidates. p.47 AIR TRANSPORT U.S. antutrust suit targets Nortwest / Continental. p.48 FAA plans bold move for oceanic ATC / Bruce D Nordwall. p.50 FedExm, pilots brace for work slowdown / Edward H 'Phillips. p.50 SIA stays its course sepite profit drop / Geoffrey Thomas. p.51 Lufthansa's regionals carrier sees pact soon on 728JET / John D Morrocco. p.51 Judge bans long-haul flights from Love Field / Edward H Phillips.p .52 Thai's overvaluation hurts its search for forgein cash. p.52 Swinssair probe examines MD-11 entertaiment system / James T McKenna. p.53 NASA, Pax River study possible EMI inmpact on Flight 800 / James T McKenna. p.54 Air France opnes new cargo terminal at CDG. p.54 Data- sharing focus of GAIN meeting. p.55 WARGAMING Wargames revival breacks new ground. p.56 JLASS wargame challenges players's real-time battle skills / William B Scott. p.59 'Title-10' games shape policies / William B Scott. p.61 Reality checks boost wargamw credibility / William B Scott. p.63 Execs expolits gaming' tools / William B Scott. p.64 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Phatom Works to lead Boeing R&D / Paul Proctor. p.66 SPACE TECHNOLOGY Delta 3 roll mode to be lockhed out of control / Bruce A Smith. p.68
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003496Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 18 - II (1998) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca