Detalles de la Emisión
Detalles de la Emisión

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< Ant.
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Título Vol. 148, n. 15 (Apr.-19989: 1997 Laureate AwardsEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1998
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aeronáutica - Noticas breves; Viajes interplanetarios; CONTROL ESPACIAL; Satélites; Personajes (Aeronáutica); MISÍLES; Aviones a reacción; VUELOS MILITARES - POLITICAS JAPONESAS; Transporte aéreo; TERMINAL AEREO - PARIS, FRANCIA; Accidentes aéreos; TRAFICO AEREO - CONTROL; Aviones; INDUSTRIA AERONAUTICA - CANADA; ANTI . SUBMARINOS DE GUERRA - ARMADA; Tecnología Espacial; MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL; Satélites artificiales en telecomunicaciones; Simuladores de vuelo;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final da cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: HEADLINE NEWS U.S. fires first shot at airline pricing / James Ott. p.24 Condition that trigger probes are defined. p.24 Deadlines, lack of consensus block competition bills . p.26 International neurolab setr for liftoff Columbia / Craig Covault. p.27 Plan confronts space control issues / William B Scott. p.30 Bigger satellites drive plans foe new Atlas , Athena launchers / Joseph C Anselmo.p.34 Spectrum Astro to bid for SBIRS - Low. p.55 'Face' on Mars becomes a mesa / Michael A Dornheim. p.58 Northrop Grumman's UCAV program bid / Robert Wall. p.59 Japanese politicians promise action on U.S. military flights / Eiichiro Sekigawa. p.59 AIR TRANSPORT U.S., France approve long- - awaited bilateral / Michael A Taverna and Pierre Sparaco. p.60 MEA, Sogerma to from joint MRO subsidiary / Michael A Taverna and Pierre Sparaco. p.60 Transponder suspect in mid - air collision, p.62 NTBS urges more inspections, modifications of fuel tank wiring. p.62 Pratt & Whitney recalls defective turbine blades. p.63 Engine thrust mismatch blamed for PAL accident. p.63 Unusual photo dispaly decorates new ANA 321s / Edward H Phillips. p.64 Japan backs away from new airports / James T McKenna . p.64 European ATC delays impede airlines'service, profit goals / Pierre Sparaco. p.65 Fleet upgrades to help MAS / Geoffrey Thomas. p.66 777 - 300 on track for May certification / Carloe A Shifrin. p.66 AEROSPACE LAUREATES Aviation Week names winners of Laureates Awards. P.L1 AEROSPCAE BUSSINES Canada seeks role in new Airbus projet / Pierre Sparaco. p.70 AERONATUICAL ENGINEERING U.S. Navy reviews missions for common Support Aircraft / Robert Wall. p.71 SPACE TECHNOLOGY Multimedia stacom competition intensifies / William B Scott. p.72 Overwhelming global Internet demand forescast. p.72 Spato 4 images relased. p.75 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SGI expands base with NT partnership / Michael Mecham. p.76 AVIONICS FAA: Y2K issue under control. p.78
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003423Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 15 - I (1998) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca
0034003455Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 15 - I (1998) Ej.2DisponibleHemeroteca