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Título Vol. 146, n. 26 (Jun. -1997): Paris air show '97Emisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1997
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aviones comerciales; Aviones; UTILIZACIÓN DE MATERIAL NUCLEAR; SEGURIDAD NUCLEAR; ENERGÍA ATOMICA; OVIJAS NUCLEARES RUSAS; URANIO ENRIQUECIDO; Aviónica; ELECTRÓNICA APLICADA A LA AVIACIÓN; Información tecnológica; MISÍLES; Satélites artificiales en telecomunicaciones;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: PARIS AIR SHOW '97 Airbus fights back in U.S. - Europe rivalry / Pierre Sparaco.p.20 BAe joins Lockheed Martin in Joint Strike Fighter bid / John D Morrocco. p.22 Lockheed Martin buys Russian rocket engines / James R Asker. p.24 Ariane 5 team mon't de rushed / Michael A Taverna. p.26 Russia, Israel plan AS-50; Iran sings Ukranie deal / Nikolay Novichkov and Michael A Taverna. p.27 Thurst- vectoring nozzle work underway at ITP. p.27 Czech order launches L - 159 / Michael Mecham and John D Morrocco. p.28 Aero Vodochody AIDC plan joint utility aircraft. p.29 Regional twinjets gain ground in highly competitive market / Pierre Sparaco. p.30 Ilushin sings new Il - 96M order / Michael A Taverna. p.31 Airbus entry crowds field business jets / Anthony L Velocci. p.33 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Turkish - Israeli military ties shake Middle East / Meteham Demir. p.35 U.S. / RUSSIAN NUCLEAR TEAMWORK Scientists jointly focus on safeguarding stokpile / William B Scott. p.36 Classification sensitivies slow weapon dismantlement / William B Scott. p.45 Dangers mount despite cooperative efforts / Joseph C Anselmo. p.47 'Superblock'typifies U.S. security measures / William B Scott. p.51 Slow progress marks U.S. / China efforts / William B Scott. p.54 Projects attempt to preclude 'brain drain'. p.54 Mutual trust buoys lab-to-lab exchanges / William B Scott. p.57 AVIONICS Hughes develops HISAR flexible recon system. p.58 Robot server as testbed for extraterrestial investigations. p.58 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Boeing scores a hit with WWW parts listing / Michael Mecham. p.60 CATIA product base expanded. p.62 Web-borne services could leave CAD/CAM/CAE in dust. p.63 HEADLINE NEWS U.S. - China trade seen in long .- term trouble / Paul Mann. p.64 Iran testing Chinese missile. p.65 $13-billion satcom system proposed / Joseph C Anselmo. p.66 Pronton orbits seven Iridium satellites. p.66 Alcatel, Loral to combine high-speed stacom network / James R Asker. p.68
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003345Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 26 - I (1997) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca