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Título Vol. 143, n. 6 (Aug-1995): U.S. coast guard shifts aviation missionsEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1995
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aeronáutica militar; Helicópteros; Aviones a reacción; TECNOLOGÍA AERONÁUTICA; Satélites artificiales; TELESCOPIO ESPACIAL - HUBBLE; Transporte aéreo; Líneas aéreas-Asia; Aviones-mantenimiento y reparación; Aviónica; VISIÓN NOCTURNA - AERONAUTICA; GUARDA COSTAS; SISTEMAS DE INYECCIÓN EN AVIACIÓN; Aeronáutica comercial; Aviones -- Modelos;
Nota(s) Bibliogragfía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: HEADLINE NEWS Chenchnya cripples Russian aviation / David Fulghum and Nikolay Novichcov. p.20 Russian air force faes unstable future. p.22 Japan's defence budget expected toslide lower / Michael Mecham and Eiichiro Sekigawa. p.23 Defence panel sounds alarm on more cots / Carole A Shifrin. p.24 NASA seeks fix for SRB nozzle leaks / James T McKenna. p.25 Shuttle contractors to join forces / James R Asker. p.26 NASA test real-time data delivery via TDRS / Paul Proctor. p.27 First Ariane 5 flight set for January / Pierre Sparaco. p.29 Space telescope spies new Sautrn moons / James R Asker. p.30 Senate restores funding for corps SAM/MEADS / David Hughes. p.58 Excessive THAAD velocity unliked to slow testing. p.58 Arrow 2 first flight termed a succes / David Hughes. p.59 EAA show highlights new aircraft / Edward H Phillips. p.60 Airshow Canada opens Aug. 9 . p.61 AIR TRANSPORT Vietnam enters Asian air growth picture / Michael Mecham .p.31 EC questions Lufthansa - SAS pact. p.32 Flying wing under study / Pierre Sparaco. p.33 L-1011-200 frigthter nears end of flight test. p.33 Ameco / Beijing ready for more engine types / Michael Mecham. p.36 VHF array to test radar signature. p.36 Southwet adding depth to short-haul structure / Anthony L Velocci. p.38 Southwest earnings rebound. p.39 ON THE RECORD More city pajir await Southwest / Anthony L Velocci. p.40 AVIONICS Honeywell's Via 2000 draws on 777 aims / Bruce D Nordwall. p.43 Light civil HUD adapted for military missions. p.43 AEROANUTICAL ENGINEERING USCG earmarks for aircraft upgrade / Edward H Phillips. p.50 Mk. 16A complete late 1995 deliveries planned. p.51 Chinook fligth time hits record. p.51 AEROSPACE BUSINESS North Dakota creates aircraft haven / William B Scott. p.52 Caravan C-208Bs modified for surveillance. p.52 AVIATION WEEK FORUM Air transport system needs holistic approach. p.53 AEROSPACE DAILY FOCUS USAF certain to buy some 747 airlifters / Jim Mathews. p.55
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003337Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 6 - II (1995) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca