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Título Vol. 136, n. 23 (Jun. 1992): Regional airlines: The cost of regulation. PW 4000: pratt & whitney's engine for teh next centuryEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1992
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Líneas aéreas; Satélites; MISÍLES; Aeronáutica militar; Transporte aéreo; Aviones-mantenimiento y reparación; Seguridad Aérea; DROGAS Y ALCOHOL EN LAS EMPRESAS AERONAUTICAS; Ingeniería Aeronáutica;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: PW 4000: PRAT & WHITNEY ENGINE FOR THE NEXT COMMON CENTURY Airlines could reap big saving with nwe Pratt common core / Staley W Kandebo. p.43 REGIONAL AIRLINES: THE COST OF REGULATION Regional airlines struggle with host of regulations / Christoper P Fotos. p.47 Regionals strive to improve safety, but oppose new security rule / Edward H Phillips. p.50 Critics fault scope of drug, alcohol test / Edward L. McKenna. p.55 Right - to-fly law spurs operators to provide acces for disabled / Christoper P Fotos. p.58 NEW DEICING PROCEDURES: THE PUSH IS ON Airlines strive to reduce risks in winter operations / James T McKenna. p.20 Rolls-powered Tu-204 to begin flight test. p.21 HEADLINE NEWS Ariane 5 contractors pressed to reduce recurring cost / Jefrey M Lenorovitz. p.22 Hermes demostrator proposede for suborbital flight in 2000. p.23 SDIO prepares acquisition plan, answers point6ed Pentagon questions / James R Asker. p24 Japan's H-2 heavy lift rocket tested at Taneagashima. p .25 Study gives first details of possible conventional role for B-2 bomber / David A Fughum. p.26 U.S. prepares to consolidate conventional air forces into joint organization. p.26 Space station designers intesify edffort to counter orbital debris / Jmaes R Asker p.68 MID Explorer's main rotor system completes wind tunnel test. p.68 NASA to modify rendeavour problem. p.69 Losing bidders criticiz Hughes satellite award. p.69 Deutsche Airbus moves into back; DASA makes $31 million as result / Michael Mecham. p.70 Peacekeeping role expands NATO's task. p.71 GE suspension from bidding for U.S. contracts could delay F/A - 18E/F. p.71 AIR TRANSPORT Fare war pushes airlines toward third straight loss / Anthony L Velocci. p.30 Wolf sees fare wars as threat to U.S. airline growth abroad. p.31 Austrlian, Quantas merge, close on single market with New Zealand. p.32 U.S. Supreme Court blocks state laws on airline advertising / Christoper P Fotos. p.33 Swendish carrier City Air Scandinavia begins new service. p.33 LATA forecast 4% growth in passenger traffic this year / David A Hughes. p.34 World air cargo growth spurs need for freighters. p.34 Study shows private LAX ownership would give payback to city / Michael A Dornheim. p.36 Boeing books $1 billion in new aircraft orders. p.36 Munich - Strauss give Lufthansa expanded maintenance base / Michael Mecham. p.37 Photoelasticity technoque aids desing of 777 nose landing gear. p.37 RJ exceds performance expectatrions at fligth test halfway mark. p.38 Dassault Falcon 2000 production advances toward first flight goal. p.38 AEROANUTICAL ENGINEERING T-38 replacement delayed in revised mater plan / David A Fulghum. p.62 JAPTS competition will be previwed in demostration this summer. p.63 F-117A cockpit systems focuses on attack role . p.64 Air Force uses sports-type draft to cope with pilot surplus. p.65
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003334Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 23 - I (1992) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca