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Título Vol. 142, n. 19 (May. 1995): Airport planing brings mixed results down underEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1995
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Helicópteros; Aviones -- Modelos; SISTEMAS APLICADOS A LA AVIACIÓN; Aviones; ELECTRÓNICA APLICADA A LA AVIACIÓN; Líneas aéreas; RUTAS AEREAS; PRESURIZACIÓN; Aeronaves; Aeropuertos; Líneas aéreas; INDSTRIA AERONAUTICA -MATERIALES; Ingeniería Aeronáutica; Viajes interplanetarios; ESTACIONES ESPACIALES; Aviones de combate;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: HEADLINE NEWS Holland pressed to reassess Tiger / Craig Covault. p.20 Pentagon backs precision weapons over more B-2s / John D Morrocco. p.21 C-17 gains clearance for paratrooper testing / Bruce A Smith. p.22 Lockheed ASTOLV test to start in June / Michael Dornheim . p.24 Critics questions plan to tranfer EW facilites / Philip J Klass. p.26 TRW wins 'Brilliant eyes'. p.26 Discovery launch to mark 100th manned U.S. mission / James T McKenna. p.59 Station heads struggle to stabilize shedule / James T McKenna. p.60 Final assembly begins on G5 wings. p.61 AMR Combs, Bombandier launch shared jet program / Michael O Lavitt. p.62 First flight for Bravo. p.62 AIR TRANSPORT Swinssair buys stake in Sabena / Carole A Shifrin. p.27 French panel says EU far from transport policy / Pierre Sparaco. p.28 Carries seek to use new route to China. p.29 Hail smashes ARM's fleet. p.30 UAL 767 diversion includes pressurization problem / David Hughes. p.32 Boeing corrects several 777 PIOs / Michael A Dornheim and David Hughes. p.32 FAA faiñs to find 737 flight control desing flaws / Michael Nordwall. p.33 FAA to request bids for new ARTS. p.36 A319 gest new brakes. p.36 Fuselagejoined for first UPS 767F. p.36 Swissair chief expects to see profits by 1997 / Carloe A Shifrin. p.37 Cargo shifts again speed. p.37 New procces eases dent removal. p.39 AUSTRALIAN AEROSPACE SPECIAL REPORT Mellbune seeks international traffic. p.42 Ansett expands overseas, a little of a time. p.43 Cautions marketing aids Kendall Airlines'growth .p.44 Hazelton plugs away with hub-bypass route. p.45 RAAF modrnization shaped for new strategy. p.47 Australian navy plans Anzac helicopter buy. p.49 Research center focuses on composite technology. p.51 Rockwell to buy ASTA. p.52 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING USAF optimistic over F-22 weight issues / Stanley W Kandebo. p.53 Northrop Grumman begins test Grumman begins test of F-5 upgrade package. p.54 Modlified F/A - 18F eyed for standoff jamming role. p.55
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003333Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 19 - II (1995) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca