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Título Vol. 145, n. 10 (Sep.-1996): Farnborough 1996. The changing face of trainingEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Aviation Week & Space Technology
Publicación New York : McGraw-Hill, 1996
Idioma Inglés;
Materia(s) Aerolíneas; Aviones comerciales; ESTACIONES ESPACIALES; Satélites artificiales en telecomunicaciones; Aviones; MISÍLES; ARMAS NUCLEARES; Transporte aéreo; Accidentes aéreos; ARMAS - INDUSTRIA - RUSIA; Tecnología Espacial; Aeronáutica militar; Simuladores de vuelo; Realidad virtual; FUERZA AEREA - ESTADOS UNIDOS; Aeronáutica comercial; ELECTRÓNICA APLICADA A LA AVIACIÓN; Aviónica; ROL DEL PILOTO; Aviones-mantenimiento y reparación; VUELO DE NEGOCIOS; TELESCOPIO DE ESPEJO;
Nota(s) Bibliografía: al final de cada artículo Notas: al pie de texto
Resumen Con: FARNBOROUGH '96 PREVIEW Airlines cautions, but like new 747 / Michael Mecham. p.50 FLA parteners reach workshare agreement / John D Morrocco. p.50 Escape system passes test. p.52 HEADLINE NEWS Kennedy cutbacks could risk capability / Craig Covault. p.53 Italy lays early groundwork for big space spending hikes / Pierre Sparaco. p.54 Galileo team wrestles to keep second flyby / Michael A Dornheim. p.56 Global express vs G5: The battle heats up / Anthony Velocci. p.65 Rolls to shift F405 Adour assembly to Allison plant / Stanley W Kandebo. p.66 General: Nuclear deterrence offesrs need for missile defence / Joseph C Anselmo. p.68 AIR TRASPORT American, pilots battle over new contract. p.72 FBI seeks more sings of explosion on 747 / James T McKenna. p.75 Douglas looks at twin - engine design / Bruce A Smith. p.78 U.S. scuttles talks with U.K. / Carole A Shifrin. p.78 GLOBAL ARMS EXPORTS Russians lead in arms exports, but success ragarder as fluke / Paul Mann. p.79 Global arms exports continue decline / Paul Mann. p.80 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Su - 37 to display high - AOA capabilities. p.84 FARNOROUGTH AIR SHOW '96 Aerospace advances challenge training / Bruce D Nordwall. p.90 Military orders outpace civil demand for simulators / Bruce D Nordwall. p.94 Joint Strike Fighter explores virtual reality / David A Fulghum. p.101 JPATS sets standard for training programs / David M North. p.107 Cost pressures, realism drive F- 22 training system / David A Fulghum. p.113 RAF lays groundwork for Eurofigther 200 / John D Morrocco. p.117 Gripen instructors begin training / John D Morrocco. p.118 Combat training time perilously short in Russia / Nikolay Novichkov and John D Morrocco. p.122 Russia explores new training aids / Nikloay Novichkov and Jhon D Morrocco. p.123 Aerosim develpos PC - based FMS simulator / Michael A Dornheim. p.127 Airlines improve automation trainig / Michael A Dornheim. p.128 Airus restructures CRM training / Pierre Sparaco. p.133 Study of behavior drives Northwest's trainig / James Ott. p.139 'Aviation English'seen as safety boost / Paul Proctor. p.142 Douglas plans to expands tailored training approach / Bruce A Smith. p.145 Carries hone CRM programs / James T McKenna. p.146 Boeing upgrades training to match 21st century 777 / Pual Proctor. p.150 AQP centerpiece of G5 trainig / Edward H Phillips. p.154 Maintenance training undergoed review / James T McKenna. p.158 Station training focus: 'Building on the fly'/ Craig Covault. p.160 Mission analysis software doubles as space training tool / Willian B Scott. p.167 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Team tragets graeter imaging capabilities / James T McKenna. p.173 BUSINESS FLYING Gulfstream 5 poised for FAA certification. p.177 Advanced Global Express desing portends growing line / Paul Proctor. p.180 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT NEWS System brings satellite - borne weather images to cockpits / Michael O Lavitt. p.184 Off.the-shelf motors to help evaluate telescope mirror. p.184
CodBarras Localización Ubicación Habitual Signatura Estado Categoría
0034003321Universidad de San Buenaventura - Sede BogotáColección Depósito Av. W. / 10 - I (1996) Ej.1DisponibleHemeroteca