Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Huerta-Ramos
Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Huerta-Ramos

Hay 2 Resultados.

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1.  Association of auditory-verbal and visual hallucinations with impaired and improved recognition of colored pictures.
Brébion, Gildas; Stephan Otto, Christian; Usall, Judith; Huerta-Ramos, Elena; Perez del Olmo, Mireia; Cuevas-Esteban, Jorge ; Haro, Josep Maria; Ochoa, Susana
En: Neuropsychology, Vol. 29 No. 5 (Sep. 2015), 667 -674
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2.  Visual encoding impairment in patients with schizophrenia: Contribution of reduced working memory span, decreased processing speed, and affective symptoms.
Brébion, Gildas; Stephan Otto, Christian; Huerta-Ramos, Elena
En: Neuropsychology, Vol. 29 No. 1 (Ene. 2015), 17-24
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